The most common questions asked by those who pay HOA dues are:
"Why do we have to pay dues?" and "What is the money used for?"
Although it may not seem necessary, there are many advantages of a community having an HOA. The Board of Directors Role is responsible for the financial administration of the HOA along with the administration (enforcement of CC&Rs) and maintenance of the common areas and elements of the community. A management company will collect dues, maintain the financial reports and accounts, contract services, send notifications and mailings, work as a liaison between homeowner and developer, and respond to homeowner's needs directly or via the Board of Directors.
The 2024 HOA Dues are $100.0o and due on the first of each month
Association Dues
Dues are collected to pay for a variety of services. Batchelor Heights has approximately eleven (11) acres of common area throughout the neighborhood, as well as, a community clubhouse and swimming pool. These services include:
Mowing of the entire community
Mulching in front of each unit, around trees along the roadways, and around utility boxes
Electricity for street lamps
Entry sign maintenance - mulching, flowers, signage
Swimming pool - permits, seasonal opening/closing, daily maintenace, and repairs
Security patrols
Weekly trash and recycling collection
Community clubhouse - utilities (water, sewage, electric, phone, trash), security system, cleaning, and repairs
Sidewalk and street repairs
Collected dues also pay for snow removal from the roadways, the sidewalks around the mailboxes, the sidewalk along Gordon Pike, and the multi-purpose path along Wickens Street. Homeowners are still responsible for snow removal from driveways and the sidewalks in front of their property.
Homeowner assessments are collected monthly. The 2024 HOA Dues are $100.00 and due on the first of each month. Statements can be emailed upon request. Dues payments can be paid via check by mailing to:
Batchelor Heights HOA:
Choice Realty & Management
1715 S Walnut St
Bloomington, IN 47401
Phone: 812-331-7353
You can also pay electronically through the AppFolio Online Portal. There are convenience fees if you use a credit or debit card. There is no convenience fee if you use a bank transfer (called eCheck). Log in to your personal portal here. (An email address is required to use the online portal).
The Association also collects for a Master Insurance Policy in November of each year. The policy insures the shared elements of the building and the common areas of the community. The assessment is determined by the size of the individual unit. To ensure that homeowners and the Association are not duplicating coverage, please see the Insurance Detail form below.
Please remit payments by check to:
Batchelor Heights HOA:
Choice Realty & Management
1715 S Walnut St
Bloomington, IN 47401
Phone: 812-331-7353